Saturday 25 August 2012

Remedies for Migraine and headache

If we apply the “amaranthus polygonoides, black pepper, turmeric with gingelly oil” then migraine will be cured.

1.   Pain on head.
2.   Migraine.
2.   Black pepper.
3.   Turmeric.
4.   Gingelly oil.
Procedure to prepare:
Boil the amaranthus polygonoides, black pepper, turmeric with gingelly oil.
If we apply the “black pepper, garlic with ginglly oil” then migraine will be cured.

1.   Pain on head.
2.   Migraine.
1.   Black pepper.
2.   Garlic.
3.   Ginglly oil.
Procedure to prepare:
1.   Boil the black pepper, garlic with ginglly oil.
2.   Apply on head.
If we apply the “flower of  hibiscus and ginglly oil” then migraine will be reduced.

1.   Pain on head.
2.   Migraine
1.   Hibiscus.
2.   Ginglly oil.
Procedure to prepare:
1.   Take 10 flower of hibiscus.
2.   Boil the ginglly oil and flower of  hibiscus.

If we apply “sesame oil/til oil/gingelly oil” with “stychonas nux vomica“, “pepper“,and” garlic” then migraine will be cured.

2.   Head ache between morning to till evening (sunrise to sunset).
1.   Young leaves of stychonas nux vomica.
2.   Pepper.
3.   Garlic
Procedure to prepare:
1.   Boil sesame oil/til oil with “young leaves of stychonas nux vomica”, pepper and garlic.
2.   Apply the oil daily in head before taking bath.

If we apply the “corinder” juice then headache will be cured.

1.Irritation on head.
1.   Corinder.
Procedure to prepare:
Apply the corinder juice.
If we chew the “basil and black pepper” then  will be cured.

1.Pain on head.
2.   Migraine.
1.   Basil.
2.   Black pepper.
Procedure to prepare:
Keep  basil and blackpepper  on the side corner of mouth.


·   The best way to treat piles at home would be to have a mixture of yoghurt and black mustard. In a bowl of yoghurt, mix some powdered black mustard. While having it, make sure to chew the mustard very carefully. After this, drink a glass of buttermilk.
·   In a bowl of water, soak peels of a pomegranate. Place the bowl on flame and let this water boil. Turn off the flame, strain the concoction and let it cool down. Drink this once in the morning and once in the evening.
·   Prepare some buttermilk, using cow's milk. Add peppercorns, ginger and rock salt to this. Have this mixture two times a day.
·   Put 10 gm black mustard in 150 ml goat's milk. In this, add 5 gm sugar. Drink this mixture in the morning, everyday.
·   In a bowl of yoghurt, put a few flowers of tamarind plant and some pomegranate juice. Once you have blended this well, add coriander and ginger pastes to it. Consume this after lunch. It will help pacify the pain.
·   Grind some dry slices of yam into a powder. In 160 grams of this powder, add 80 grams white leadwort. Now, add 10 grams black pepper and 500 grams of jaggery. Mix well and make small tablets or capsules of this mixture. Have one piece each in the morning and evening.
·   For bleeding piles, keep 1/4 liter goat's milk for curdling overnight. In the morning, add an equal amount of carrot juice and blend it. Drink this mixture. Alternatively, freshly prepared goat's milk yogurt, consumed with freshly chopped carrots, is also beneficial in treating piles.
·   Radish is effective in curing piles. Extract the juice of white radish and mix it with honey. Apply this mixture on the affected region. This will prove helpful in treating piles.
·   For instant relief, applying coconut oil on the affected region will be your best bet.
·   Extract the seeds of ripe mangoes and dry them in the sun. Once dry, grind them into a fine powder. Store this powder in bottles. Consuming 2 gm of this powder, with honey, twice a day will be effective in curing piles.
·   Mix ½ tsp each of ginger juice, lime juice and mint leaves juice, in 1 tbsp honey. Have this mixture once a day. It will be helpful in treating piles.
·   Take 1 tbsp each of roasted black cumin seeds and cumin seeds (not roasted). Mix this well and add to a glass of cold water. Drink this concoction once every day.
·   In a cup of milk, mash a ripe banana. Have this mixture 3 to 4 times in a day, to stop the pain experienced during piles.
·   Soak 3 to 4 figs in a glass of water and keep them overnight. Have them early in the morning, on an empty stomach.
·   Extract the juice of bitter gourd leaves. Mix 2 tsp of this juice in a glass of buttermilk and have it on an empty stomach, every morning.
·   Extract about 150 ml of turnip juice. Consume this juice after combining it with any other vegetable juice, such as spinach, watercress or carrots.


Health Care Tips


Health Care Tips

* For building iron in your body eat plenty of spinach juice.

* If you exercise with music, you will exercise longer and enjoy it more. Choose something upbeat and energizing.

* On a busy day, take 20 minutes to go for a brisk walk to help reduce stress.

* Eat most of your fat and calories for the day, in the morning. Doing this will put your metabolism into high gear. Then eat lean the rest of the day.

* While running, if you have stomach cramps, stop and bend forward from the waist. Breathe in and out, slowly and deeply while contracting your abdominal muscles.

* While doing housework, increase the pace to get some extra exercise and calorie burning.

* If you are having problems with migraine headaches, drink some hot tea with honey and this should help ease the pain.

* Always take the steps instead of the elevator if you plan on cutting down those extra calories.

* Eat a bowl of oatmeal each day to lower your cholesterol.

* Drink plenty of water since it helps liver function well and your body will benefit and that will show from your glowing skin. So also drink plenty of water before, during and after exercising.

* To lower blood pressure, improve your mood and relieve depression, exercise regularly.

* If you experience pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat or increased fatigue while exercising, call a doctor immediately.

* Begin your workout with warm-up exercises and end with cool-down exercises.

* If you suffer from eczema, avoid heat and sweating.

* Wear loose, lightweight clothing while exercising. Choose natural fabrics that will breathe.

* When it is hot outside, drink more water and avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

* Ear ache - place a piece of potato (raw) in the ear-remove later.

* Breathe naturally while doing stretching exercises. Never hold your breath.

* Make soups the day before and refrigerate. Skim the fat off the top before reheating.

* To feel as though you are eating more, slow down and chew thoroughly. Take at least 20 minutes to eat a meal. Taking longer to eat will make you feel fuller and also helps in digesting food properly.

* When going to see a doctor, write down the questions you want to ask. Also, write down the answers. If you don't understand the answer, ask again! Take along any medication bottles you are taking.

* Keep your attitude positive and smile.

* burning down the lights an hour or two before bedtime will help you get a better night's sleep.

* Avoid smoke-filled rooms and breathing or exercising near busy roads. Exercise in clean environment

Here are the 40 facts about health

            Here are the 40 facts about health1.       Getting in your fruits and veggies can help the body produce its own form of Aspirin. After a study done by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, participants who ate fruit and  vegetables containing benzoic acid, could produce their own salicylic acid. This is the main ingredient in aspirin that makes aspirin an anti-inflammatory pain reliever.2.       Colds are not caused by being wet or cold. They are caused by viruses, that have nothing to  do with cold temperatures. However, in cold temperatures, people are more inclined to spend time together indoors, thereby more easily transmitting the virus from one person to another.
3.       Watching yourself in a mirror while running on a treadmill, will make your workout go faster.4.       The myth that spinach is extremely rich in iron, is the result of a printing error. Many decades ago, a table indicating nutritional values of certain food types, put the decimal point, indicating the iron content of spinach, one position too far to the right, thereby increasing its supposed iron content tenfold. Despite the mistake being rectified 70 years ago, public perception still has not followed suit.5.    
6.      Your kitchen sink is dirtier than your bathroom sink. There are approximately 500,000 bacteria lurking around your drain alone. Over 50 million bacteria in a single colony can live on one sponge.7.      The rat and the mouse are far more dangerous to humans than any other animals. They carry at least 20 pathogens that cause different diseases. It is estimated that they have caused the deaths of more people in the last thousand years than all wars in the world put together.8.      Using a diary for weight-loss purposes can double a person’s weight loss efforts.9.      Sexologists can determine a woman’s orgasm history, solely by the way she walks.10.
11. Oatmeal, citrus fruits, and honey can improve your sex drive, and boost fertility. Oats produce a chemical that sends testosterone into the blood stream, which then increases orgasm and sex drive as a result. Vitamin C in citrus fruits ups a males’ sperm count, and Vitamin B found in honey helps the body produce estrogen which is key for arousal and blood flow.12. Walking either in water, against the wind, or wearing a backpack burns approximately 50 more calories an hour.13. Regular exercise can lower a women’s cancer risk, but only if she is getting an efficient amount of sleep.14.
15. Rinsing your nose with salt water can help fight allergies. Dr. Melissa Pynnonen from the Michigan sinus center says that nasal irrigation is an inexpensive way to find relief from allergies, stuffy nose, and nasal congestions.16. After a study done at Cornell University, researchers found that people who enter their homes through an entry way that is close to the kitchen tend to eat 15% more than those who enter farther away from the kitchen.17. Smokers are four times more likely to experience feelings of restlessness after a night’s sleep than non-smokers.18. It is impossible to get a tan from your computer screen. The Computer Tan Website was created to raise awareness against skin cancer.19. It takes 3 hours for food to breakdown in the stomach.20.
21. Inhaling the scent of roses at night improves memory.22. A yawn lasts approximately 6 seconds.23. Each blink lasts 0.3 seconds24. In an average lifetime, a normal human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva.25.
26. Before hearing aids were invented, people used “ear trumpets”.27. A study showed people eat considerably more popcorn while watching a sad movie as compared to a happy one.28. Over the past 30 years, the number of overweight children has doubled and the number of overweight teenagers has tripled.29. Over the past 30 years, the number of overweight children has doubled and the number of overweight teenagers has tripled.30.
31. Honey can soothe a hangover.32. Garlic can help cure athlete’s foot.33. Baking soda helps whiten teeth.34. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full.35. The majority of items in existing vending machines contribute to a variety of health issues including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as behavioral issues such as hyperactivity, fatigue and aggression.36.
37. One out of every three children born today will develop diabetes at some point in their lifetime if dietary trends continue as they are today.38. A can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar.39. In the United States, obesity is second only to smoking as a cause of death.40.
When you laugh, the lining of your blood vessel walls relaxes and expands. So have a good giggle. Your heart will thank you.