Hair loss relates
to chronic stress, poor nutrients, poor hygiene,hormonal imbalances and much
more. Hair fall due to nutritional deficiencies can be cured by rectifying the
diet with these strong foods. Let's what makes these foods worthy of adding in
to your staple diet.
1. Whole wheat-The new craze on
whole grain is spreading. Thehealth benefits of using whole grains are endless.
Whole wheat isan excellent source of nutrients like fibre, manganese,
magnesium,iron and silica. Iron helps in oxygen supply by enhancing haemoglobin
production. With enough blood supply to the scalp hair
loss would be minimized. Silica is one of the essentials in
retaining your youth, bone health, skin and nail health and is alsoa great gift
to dull lifeless hair.
2. Oranges-Eat your oranges and keep
the peels. Oranges with theirvitamin c would enhance collagen production of the
skin and stophair fall caused by Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C will alsoensure
iron absorption.
3. Almonds-Your hair and skin would
benefit greatly by eating afist full of almonds a day. They are high in Vitamin
E, iron and proteins. If your statin drugs causes hair fall then almonds are your
ideal choice.
4. Oats-Oatmeal is also a good source
of iron if your hair fall is due to iron deficiency anaemia. It is also a good
source of fibre, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
5. Chickpeas-Chickpea flour when
applied on skin is a great natural cleanser and complexion enhancer. It is rich
in zinc and vitamin B6, two necessary nutrients for thick luxurious hair. Eat a
bowl of chickpea for optimum health, or just sprout them well!
6. Soya-Iron and Vitamin E with ample
protein can be found in Soya.Vitamin E would enhance skin (scalp) and hair
7. Cow's milk-Milk is a good source of
iodine and a quick answer to hair loss.
8. Fish-Hair can't remain healthy
without Essential Fatty Acids. Fish oil supplements are a great source of EFAs,
Vitamin A, protein and Vitamin B6.