Thursday 15 August 2013


Pistachios are powerhouse of nutrients. Rich in Vitamin E, they protect your skin from UV rays, premature ageing and even skin cancer. Pistachio oil has demulcent properties, which basically means that they help in smoothening your skin. They also contain arytenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are rarely found in nuts. Besides this, pistachios also contain antioxidants, which neutralise the free radicals, thus preventing ageing.

Health benefit: Pistachios help stabilise blood sugar, help in digestion, prevent heart diseases and provide your body with fibres and proteins.


If you want to protect your pearly whites and your beautiful eyes, you must eat a handful of raisins daily. Raisins prevent tooth decay and keep cavities at bay. They are also a good source of Vitamin A and they protect your eyes from vision related problems. Raisins also keep your skin healthy and beautiful as they contain resveratrol, an antioxidant that slows down skin ageing.

Health benefit: Raisins are loaded with potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and iron and they          promote blood circulation. They are highly recommended for those suffering from anaemia.

Cashew nuts
Cashew nuts
There is a myth about cashew nuts that they are unhealthy since they contain a lot of fats. But in reality, cashew nuts when eaten in moderation, actually help you lose weight. Cashew nut oil too, is used in a number of cosmetics. It helps to reduce tan and prevents skin damage. It also helps protect your cracked heels and nourishes them. Cashew nuts are rich in Vitamin E and they have anti-ageing properties as well.

Health benefits: Cashew nuts help control cholesterol, blood sugar, prevents migraines and high blood pressure.


You must have seen your mum adding a handful of almonds inkheer or you might have eaten these nuts which were soaked overnight. The elderly women in the family have always stressed on the need of eating almonds, be it for a school going kid, a pregnant woman or a working man. Almonds help in skin rejuvenation and are great memory boosters as well. So, let us delve deeper into their amazing benefits, and soak in the goodness of these crackling nuts.

Clear your bowels
The way our skin looks and feels is directly related to how well our digestive system functions. A weak digestive system can lead to constipation, which in turn would cause pimples and acne. Eating almonds on a regular basis helps to increase the levels of gut bacteria in your stomach. And, it is these gut bacteria which are responsible for a healthy digestion, thus giving you a clear and healthy skin. 

A rich source of Vitamin E
If you have ever visited a skin specialist for acne, dark spots, blemishes or pimples, you would have noticed the doctor prescribing you vitamin E supplements and capsules. Vitamin E contains Alpha-Tocopherol, which nourishes your skin and gives you a radiant glow. And, almonds are a rich source of vitamin E. So, eating almonds will keep all skin ailments at bay. 

Anti-ageing properties
It is a much proven fact that almonds have anti-ageing properties in them. Massaging pure almond oil on the entire face, especially under the eyes, helps in delaying wrinkles. A regular application of it also lightens dark spots and under eye dark circles, thereby giving you a beautiful and even skin tone.

Heart-friendly nuts
Well, let’s put it in simple words- almonds protect your heart. The fibre in almonds blocks the body’s ability to absorb fat. Also, these nuts are a very rich source of vitamin E, monounsaturated fat, magnesium, and antioxidants that increase blood flow. Moreover, their cholesterol-lowering effect helps in maintaining a healthy heart. 

Memory and energy booster
Almonds help in boosting the power and capacity of your brain. All the essential nutrients that they contain boost your memory, and also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (loss of memory in old age). They have riboflavin and magnesium, which are great energy boosters that allow you to stay fresh the entire day. Not to forget, almonds increase your productivity at the workplace as well. 

Get rid of that flab
Almonds can also help you shed kilos. These nuts have a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which are needed to curb your cravings for carbohydrates. And, it is these cravings, which lead to weight gain. So, having them is a good idea if you want to get rid of that extra flab. 

Power packed with energy, almonds are a great snack, all by themselves. So, soak in water, roast or eat them raw, but do include them in your diet.

TEA - A HEALTHY VIEW.......................

Tea is well-known for the broad spectrum of medicinal benefits it provides to its daily drinkers. However, this hot cup of delicacy can become a part of your first aid kit owing to its many other benefits. In unusual places and circumstances, tea leaves can be your solution to a number of beauty and health problems. So, take a look at a few unconventional benefits of tea leaves that will definitely surprise you!

Widen your sleepy eyes:
Tea leaves can be a perfect solution for your tired and puffy eyes. Just take two tea bags and soak them in some warm water. Place them over your closed eyes for 15 minutes. Tea leaves have a natural astringent known as tannins, which can help to reduce puffiness in your eyes. Tea bags also help you to get rid of dark circles under your eyes.

Skin protector:
Green tea is known for its skin-tightening and anti-ageing properties. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds present in green tea make it a perfect skin protector. Just add water and white sugar to some green tea to prepare a scrub. This mix will help to moisturise your skin, improve the hydration levels and exfoliate your facial skin to a smooth silky finish.

Controls gum bleeding:
Press some moistened tea bags on your bleeding gums and apply pressure for about 20 minutes. This will bring the bleeding and pain under control. The reason why tea bags are used is because of their anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Tea leaves are known to be a refreshing mouthwash as well.

Acne treatment:
Based on its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; green tea is a powerful solution for your acne. Simply rub moist green tea leaves on your face before going to bed and this will take care of your acne. Even drinking green tea every morning, is known to provide your face a beautiful and natural glow.

De-stress with tea leaves:
Tea leaves are known to be therapeutic for your mind. They help to relieve you of your stress. To get best calming benefits of tea leaves, you can put them inside your pillow. Take some sun dried tea leaves then take them and put them inside your pillow and sew it off. The relaxing fragrance of tea leaves will help you not only to relax but also get rid of your body odour.

Shed those excess kilos:
Green tea drinkers lose weight faster than those who don’t. Catechins in green tea significantly decrease your body fat. Studies have also revealed that green tea helps to stabilize body weight after a period of weight loss. Not only this, green tea also boosts your metabolism and cures digestion problems.

SHALL WE HAVE A CUP OF TEA.......................................................................................