Saturday 7 June 2014

Breatharians: Art Of Living Without Food......................

Breatharians: Art Of Living Without Food..........

Have you ever gone without food for a day or two? We are not talking about going hungry; we are talking about a situation when the body (and mind) feels no need for food. There is an ancient myth about the people of Atlantis. Atlantis as you know was the most perfect civilization in the world (according to Greek mythology); only the worthy could be a part of this civilization. If myths are to be believed then the people of this perfect civilization lived without food. 

Art Of Living Without Food
Even today there are people who reject food and live on the energy of the sun that they absorb directly. They are called Breatharians. The Breatharians know the art of living on light and energies derived from the sun. But it is no magic trick. The spiritual leaders in an India have named this technique as the Prana Yoga.

What Is Prana? 

There several meanings of the word 'prana'. 'Prana' means 'energy' and it comes mainly from the sun. According to yogic sciences, the sun emits 12 different types of pranas but only those who are spiritually evolved can absorb all of them. Breatharians have mastered the art of living on prana and therefore, their body rejects food. 

The food is broken down into smaller particles of glucose that is converted to energy. Breatharians are people whose body cells have learned to absorb the energy directly from the prana or literally speaking sunlight around them. So their is no need for external intake of food.

Stare at the sun just before sunset and sunrise. You can start from 30 seconds and go up to 45 minutes of sun gazing. When you stare at the sun, then not only your eyes but your entire body draws energy. Whether it works or not, it is certainly some 'food' for thought!

AMLA - an anti-dandruff pack...........................

To make an anti-dandruff pack, take a little amla powder and mix it in water.

Apply this on your scalp and leave for a few minutes before washing it off with water. 

To make the paste more effective, you can combine 10 ground basil leaves (tulsi) to the paste. This will further enhance its fighting action against dandruff. 

With regular use, you will see that your dandruff has reduced significantly. 

Not just that, amla is also good for adding a lustrous shine to one’s hair. 

After washing your hair, take the last rinse of amla water and leave hair to dry.