Saturday 28 May 2016

Let's celebrate our daily days as MAY 31 !!!!

                                             MAY 31 - World No Tobbaco Day

It's not an easy task to give up smoking. But there are many benefits for a smoker when he stops smoking. Lets see down.

20 Minute  -  Blood Pressure (BP) comes to normal level.
                     Heart Beats tends to be normal.

8 Hour       -  Carbon Monoxide (CO), the poisonous gas will be taken away from our blood.
                     The Oxygen content in our blood rises to normal amount and so our body                    
                     will be energetic than before.

2 Day         -  Our tongue replenishes tasting nerves so that foods that we eat tends to be tasty.

2-12 Week - Our skin becomes shiny.
                     Increases our breathing tendency.
                     Walking becomes easier.

1-9 Month -  Cough and Sinus problems get reduced.

1 Year        -  Chances of getting Heart attacks gets reduced by 50%

5 Year        -  Chances of getting Cancer in throat and food pipe gets reduced by half.

10 Year      -  Attainment of life longevity equal to a non-smoker.
                      Chances of getting Lung Cancer reduces to half.
                      Cancer Creating cells get disable.
                      Chances of getting Kidney Failure gets reduced.

15 Year      -  Welcome to the life of non-smoking !!! Now your heart is free from dangers and can  
                       enjoy the life in a positive way. Congrats Non-Smoker !!!

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Poovarasan tree

Poovarasu tree :

                                Poovarasu tree is called as Portia or umbrella tree in English. Poovarasu flower is called as king of flowers. The paste of leaf is used as bandage for inflammations.

It cures Dysentery and other skin diseases. Future scope is research to cure blood pressure.