Sunday 29 January 2017

Reasons for Cancer

1. Salt,Sugar,Curd,Milk,Pickles etc., that are stored in plastic containers is one of the main reasons for cancer.

2. In the same way, using aluminium vessels and pots also causes cancer. The use of aluminium pots for boiling milk and cooking curries are also reasons for this. Pressure Cookers are also made of aluminium.

3. When aluminium is heated, the chemical Aluminium Sulphate mixes with the food.


Instead of using aluminium, we can use steel or other vessels. Instead of plastic,we can use glass containers.

Note: The deep roasted(black coloured) part in dosa, chapathi leads to cancer. Living under asbestos roof also causes cancer.

Monday 23 January 2017

Have a Fruity(Balanced) Diet

An apple juice a day(brunch) keeps your mind fresh and active. It helps us to concentrate on our works.

Most of us think that lemon gives us cold. But it's not the fact.Just think how can a citric acid gives us cold.Lemon and butter milk does not gives cold instead they remove the heat from our body and keeps our body cool. A cup of buttermilk a day is more enough for our good health. Avoid the fact that buttermilk makes us to sleep in afternoon. It's correct but just control your sleep.

Avoid having soft drinks as soon as you have your dinner.They won't helps in digestion instead hinders the process. It's better to avoid soft drinks completely and have a cup of hot water.

Avoid tender coconut if you are prone to cold.

It is better to drink all fresh fruit juices without ice cubes. For lemon juice, replacement of sugar with salt is preferable.

Guava juice is the most tastiest than any other fruit juices and healthy too but avoid consuming it daily as guava gives heat to our body.

It is mandatory to avoid eating fruits at night time. I see most of them have fruit salad as their dinner.Eating fruits in night time is totally waste as the nutrients of fruits gets wasted without going  into our body. So eat fruits only in day time. Have a light tiffin as your dinner(Idly is the best option).

GI - Glycemic Index

Fruits with low GI maintain constant blood sugar for longer whereas fruits with high GI leads to sharp rise in blood sugar and followed by a sudden drop.
Apricot (Dried)
Grapes (Green)

So eat fruits in right time and stay healthy.