Thursday 24 May 2012

SQ3R Study Method

  • Use the SQ3R Study Method

    SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review.

    Survey - glance ahead and scan the material so that you will have an idea of what you are supposed to be learning - some textbooks will have a list of objectives that tell you exactly what to concentrate on!

    Question - after you read each section, ask yourself questions to make certain that you understand what you have read - if the section has a title, make that into a question (for example, your question for this section could be "What is the SQ3R study method?).

    Read - as you read the sections, make certain that you understand the terms and information - use the glossary or dictionary if you need to. You can also write notes and copy any information that you think you might have trouble remembering.

    Recite - yes, really! - reciting the information out loud helps to make sure you really understand the material, and helps move the information from your short-term memory into your long-term memory.

    Review - go over the material again when you are finished, to check your understanding and be sure you can remember everything.

    This method of studying might seem to take longer to get through each section, but you will see that it results in much better understanding. You will remember what you have studied for longer, and will do better in class than if you just read over it once

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