Tuesday 17 December 2013

Nix that noise..................

If  you live in a noise-filled environment you can get stress and blood pressure.

Use sound-blocking headsets and foam ear plugs with a Noise-Reduction Rating[NRR] of 33. They block out about 15 decibels. That means the jackhammer across the street emitting 100 decibels will tone down to a bearable 85 - not quiet,but far less destructive.

Try taking lipoic acid and ask your doc if you can take two baby aspirin and vitamin E with mixed tocopherols.They reduce inflammation,protect auditory and other nerves and reduce damage from stress hormones.

Fit in some active de-stressing.To deal with noise-induced stress,meditate in the morning for 5 to 10 minutes and during the daymake time for both aerobics and strength training.

Tips to deal with snake bites...............................


Snake bite leaves a characteristic mark of a single or double fang.


Ask the person to sit still and activate emergency services.Immobilise to stop the spread of venom.Keep the affected part below heart level.Apply a compression bandage across the entire affected limb starting just above the bite and wrap towards the body.Wrap the bandage one finger loose to slow the spread of venom but not restrict circulation in the affected area.If the person becomes unresponsive but is breathing,put him/her in recovery position.If the person is not breathing start CPR.Get to hospital.


Do not apply ice.
Do not cut through the wound.
Do not cut suck blood from the bitten area.

SLEEP HYGIENE.....................................

Sleeping is a vital exercise in our day to day life.............

Lifestyle: Work schedules and parties leave few hours for sleep.Illness,pain from injuries and sleep disorders can also disrupt one's sleep.

Stress: Worrying about that new job,safety of children or the exam in the morning? Instead of getting the sleep needed to face tomorrow's challenges,you toss and turn,sit up and pound your pillow,maybe even get up and pace the floor.

Noise: Sudden noises like a door slamming,a telephone ringing can jolt a sleeper into wakefulness.If the noise is constant and loud,move to another room.

Temperature: Research suggests that room temperature above 75 degree causes restlessness and affect mental and physical health.If you sleep with the air conditioner on,make sure it is set at a normal temperature.

Scents: Scented candles help us relax,but not to sleep.Using air spray,fresh flowers or scents in the bedroom is not advisable as the body cant handle them when we try to sleep.

Bed: The mattress should  be firm enough to give you support.