Saturday, 3 May 2014

Peanut and Strawberries:

-rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin C respectively.
-sharp vision.
-used as sandwich or toast.

Broccoli and Soda noodles:

-rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C.
-When bad LDL cholesterol particles are oxidised, they tend to become plaque in artery walls, leading to heart diseases which is prevented by broccoli.
-for a strong heart.
-used as stir-fried broccoli florets and chopped tomatoes with soda noodles.

Onions and chickpeas:

-Iron is required by the body to transport oxygen.
-Iron deficiency leads to anaemia and fatigue.
-Sulphur components in onion and garlic help in absorption of iron and zinc from grains.
-for long lasting energy.
-used as soup.

Green tea and Lemon juice:

-Tea has a high content of flavonoids and prevent damage to cells.
-Green tea reduces the breakdown of its catechins in digestive system.
-for heart-healthy antioxidants.
-used as iced green tea with mint and lemon juice.

Yogurt and Bananas:

-perfect snack after workout.
-contains proteins that helps in muscle mass and banana contains carbs that prevent muscle soreness.
-to refuel post workout.
-used as banana smoothie topped with fresh fruits.

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