Sunday 4 December 2016

A simple way to make your hip lean

                         1 . Lemon
                         2. Horseradish (Mullangi in Tamil)
                         3. Honey

                 1. Cut lemon into half and remove the seeds.
                 2. Make a paste of this lemon skin along with horseradish.
                 3. Add honey with the paste and place in  refrigerator.

Eat this cream twice a day before you consume food.
 Repeat continuously for three weeks.
 Your hip size will reduce a centimeter a day.

Other Benefits:
                          1 . Keeps the brain fresh and active.
                          2. Maintain a cool body temperature.
                          3. Cures hearing problems and eye sight problems.

Note: Amount of cream and other requirements are upto you and your body conditions.

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