Sunday 29 September 2013

Padmasana - The Lotus

Padmasana - The Lotus:

Starting Position: Sit with legs straight
Concentration: on the whole body
Breath: normal breathing
Repetitions: once
Practice: Sit with the legs straight. Bend the right leg and place the right foot on the left thigh so that the heel is as close to the body as possible. Bend the left leg and place the left foot in the same way on the right thigh. Relax legs and hips and also the upper body, arms and shoulders. >Rest the hands in Chin Mudra on the knees. Close the eyes and remain motionless in this position.
Concentrate on the relaxation of the whole body and the breath.
Benefits: Padmasana is the best sitting posture for meditation. It has a balancing influence on all Chakras.
Caution: This Asana should not be practiced with problems in the knees or ankles.

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