Tuesday 15 October 2013

How to Look Gorgeous without Makeup

Drink sufficient water:
Drinking sufficient amount of water will work wonders for your skin. Water infuses the much needed elasticity into your skin, and makes it appear well-hydrated. If you drink 7 to 8 glasses of water every day, you will soon find a unique radiant glow lingering on your skin.

Proper skin cleansing regimen:
If you want to look gorgeous naturally, you will have to take care of your skin. You have to make sure that your skin is clean and free from blemishes. Follow a cleansing regimen twice a day. Make 'CTM' (cleansing, toning, and moisturising) as your skin care mantra. All you need is, an appropriate skin cleanser, moisturiser, and toner, all of which would keep your skin cleansed and healthy throughout the day. Apart from this, exfoliate your skin thrice a week to remove dead skin cells off.

Take care of your hair:
Lustrous locks add to your beauty. Ensure that your hair does not become greasy. Use the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair. Try hair spa and oil turban therapy treatments to enhance the sheen and smoothness of your hair. Also, use natural products to protect your scalp against problems like hair fall, breakage, spilt-ends, and scalp infections, etc.

Stop touching your face:
Keep your hands away from your face, especially when you are outdoors. Do not prick those pimples, unless you want them to leave behind an ugly mark on your face. Do not rub your eyes constantly because that pulls and effects the sensitive skin around your eyes, leading to wrinkles. Remember, your facial skin is very delicate, so keep those dirty hands away from it!

Pay attention to smaller details:
Beautiful eyes play a significant part in overall appeal. Eyebrows provide a framing effect to the face. Shape your eyebrows according to your face cut. You can wax your forehead for a cleaner look. Remove facial hair and excess body hair from visible areas. Visible hair protuding from underarms or upper lip can definitely be a big turn off. 

Smile please!
Always take care of your lips and teeth. Never lick your lips and use a good lip balm to keep them soft and supple. Also, use natural ingredients to keep your lips naturally pink. Remember to always wear your million dollar smile wherever you go. Smile lights up your face and spreads a feel good factor all around.

Establish a regular skin care regime, follow a good and healthy diet, and drink enough water to look stunning without using makeup. Incorporate these few things in your daily routine for drop-dead gorgeous looks!

Interesting Ways to Increase Water Intake

1.Eliminate caffeinated and sugary drinks.

2.Jump to water-rich foods and juices.

3.Drizzle some flavour.

4.Urine check.

The easiest way to find out whether you are taking sufficient amount of water or not is through a urine check. It is a good sign if it is pale yellow or clear, but if it is darker it means you are not getting enough water. You will complain of nausea, dizziness and experience a few signs of dehydration like dry and sticky mouth.
So, whether you want to lose weight, get a glowing skin or cure acne, water is the best option available. Drink as much water as you can to make your lifestyle a healthy one.

How to Speed Up Your Metabolism

The sole reason behind weight loss is a good metabolism. But, ironically people consider ‘metabolism improvement’ as the last option, when they think about losing that extra flab. From gymming and yoga to diet plans, they do it all. But, they do not pay heed towards improving their digestion. A good bowel movement can keep your body healthy as well as toned. We bring to you a few foods that can help you in speeding up your metabolism, and thus lead to a slimmer body frame.


If you have an egg for breakfast then you tend to eat lesser amount of food the entire day. It is so because it has protein in it, which is quite filling. This automatically cuts down your calorie intake. Even a study has revealed that people on a low-calorie diet, who ate an egg for breakfast each morning lost  twice as much weight as those who had a breakfast with the same number of calories, sans the eggs.


We need not say much about this wonder product, which is actually good for your overall health. They are good for weight loss, improve blood sugar levels, and even healthy for your heart. Oats digest slowly, making you feel full for a longer time. Thus, it is a perfect ingredient for people on a weight loss spree.


Lentils are loaded with protein and soluble fibre, which help to stabilise blood sugar levels. Variations in the level of insulin (or blood sugar) cause your body to create excess fat, especially in the abdominal area. So, having lentils help you to achieve that slim and toned waistline.


Not only are they loaded with flavonoids and anti-ageing antioxidants, pomegranates are also low in calories and high in fibre. Hence, they satisfy your sweet tooth and help to improve your digestion as well.


Capsaicin, a compound found in chillies has a thermogenic effect. Your body burns extra calories for up to 20 minutes after you eat the chillies. Also, food that is spicy and full of chillies forces you to eat slowly, thus making you more aware of how much you are consuming.

So, whenever you think of losing weight, make sure you pay your first attention towards speeding up your metabolism, and not crash dieting.

Best Ways to Lose Weight in 1 Week

Well, it is weekend, time to party non-stop and with that binging non-stop. But, that does not mean you are doomed to gain weight. What if you enjoy your weekend and at the same time lose 2 kilos, Surprised? Well do not be! Your weight issues are actually within your own control.
Here, I give you the simplest ways by which you can surely lose 2 kilos in a week. There are no fat diets, no rigorous exercises; it’s all about you or to be precise a ‘slim’ you in 7 days.


Yes simply by breathing, you can lose two kilos in a week. Amazing it is, but true! What you need is mere patience and 10 minutes. ‘Kapalabhathi Pranayam’ is a breathing exercise to shed those extra kilos. With just 10 minutes of daily practice, it harmonises and balances your body bringing it to a healthy state.

Good Bye Foods- Welcome Whole Foods:

For these 7 days, stock your house with fruits, vegetables, healthy meats, grains and cereals. Explore the world of healthy, tasty snacks and appetisers, ready to satisfy your cravings and your body!