Thursday 8 May 2014

Tips to protect your eyes.........

Eyes are attractive organ of us. It is the only organ that senses beautiful and ugly things in this world.
Here are some tips to take care of your eyes.

1. It is important to wear sunglasses that offer 100% protection from UV-A and UV-B rays.

2. Your eyes are stresses throughout the day due to heat and exposure to the sun. Keep your eyes safe by splashing or cleaning them with cold water periodically. This will protect your eyes from becoming dry or puffy.

3. If you are suffering from puffy eyes ,apply slices of cucumber on your eyelids for ten minutes before you sleep.

4. Eye exercises help reduce tiredness and improve eye muscles. It also improves your eyesight and reduce risk of contracting diseases and infections.


Tuesday 6 May 2014

RADISH - A SHORT LOOK..............


It is rich in vitamin C and in antioxidants.
It is good for us of we prone to cold and cough.
It fights against viral infections and prevents diabetes.
It protects our skin.
It increases immunity in our body and is a must vegetable to be eaten by all small children.
If we apply small  pieces of radish on our skin it makes our skin to look younger. 

Saturday 3 May 2014

Peanut and Strawberries:

-rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin C respectively.
-sharp vision.
-used as sandwich or toast.

Broccoli and Soda noodles:

-rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C.
-When bad LDL cholesterol particles are oxidised, they tend to become plaque in artery walls, leading to heart diseases which is prevented by broccoli.
-for a strong heart.
-used as stir-fried broccoli florets and chopped tomatoes with soda noodles.

Onions and chickpeas:

-Iron is required by the body to transport oxygen.
-Iron deficiency leads to anaemia and fatigue.
-Sulphur components in onion and garlic help in absorption of iron and zinc from grains.
-for long lasting energy.
-used as soup.

Green tea and Lemon juice:

-Tea has a high content of flavonoids and prevent damage to cells.
-Green tea reduces the breakdown of its catechins in digestive system.
-for heart-healthy antioxidants.
-used as iced green tea with mint and lemon juice.

Yogurt and Bananas:

-perfect snack after workout.
-contains proteins that helps in muscle mass and banana contains carbs that prevent muscle soreness.
-to refuel post workout.
-used as banana smoothie topped with fresh fruits.