Tuesday 6 December 2016

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is in our body to fight against infections.

3% of Hydrogen Peroxide is safer...More than it leads to severe damage.

Avoid it for internal use(Don't swallow).

Lets see the benefits of it.

1. Mix Hydrogen Peroxide and water in a spray bottle and spray it on infected area at night time and make it dry. It cures the foot fungus.

2. Take 2 quarts of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and mix with warm water. Let it soak for 30 minutes. Have a rejuvenate bath. Your skin blemishes.

3. If you have a cut and that is infected, soak it into 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for 5-10 minute several times a day.(Do not leave open wounds for a long time.So use the solution and wipe it off as it damages tissues).

4.Add a tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and mix with a cup of non-chlorinated water and use it as a nasal spray.You have to adjust the amount of Hydrogen Peroxide used according to the severity of the problem.

5. Take a tablespoon of 3%  Hydrogen Peroxide and hold it in your mouth for 10 minute several times a day and spilt it. (Do not swallow it or wash your mouth with water as soon as u split it).

Disinfectant - Hydrogen Peroxide :

Keep 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in a spray bottle and Vinegar in another spray bottle. Spray them both in kitchen areas etc., to get rid of Salmonella, E-Coli bacteria etc.,

Oxidation - Hydrogen Peroxide :

The Oxidation of Hydrogen Peroxide kills microorganisms and it is the safest natural sanitizer.

Dangers :

Light is bad for peroxide. So keep it in closed containers.

Detox Water

                        1 . Water
                        2.  Lemon
                        3. Ginger
                        4. Cucumber
                        5. Mint Leaves

                 Cut lemon, Cucumber, Ginger into small pieces and store it in a jar along with water in night. On morning filter the mixture and drink the water. Do exercises regularly and balance a healthy diet. You will see the reduction of belly fat in four days.

              1 .Reduces fats.
              2. Keeps your mind active and fresh.
              3. Increases body metabolism.

Note: For 8 glasses of water you need a tablespoon of scrapped ginger, a lemon , a cucumber and 12 mint leaves.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Lemon - Chilly - Coal

                      Most of us would have seen this lemon,chilly and coal hanged up in front of homes. Yes, It's true and it is one of the best air purifier and a good insect repellent.

Lemon and chilly are rich in Vitamin C. When these are tied up with a cotton rope the nutrients are absorbed by the rope and evaporates such that air surrounding us gets purified. It is one of the best natural air purifier. 

           Alakshmi Goddess (Older sister of Lakshmi Goddess) is considered to be goddess of misfortune. She likes the taste of sour(lemon), pungent(chilly) and heat(coal). Thus, she will eat these without coming into home.

Note : These absorbed old lemon and chillies must be throwed out of home as they have have absorbed some poisonous gases.

In olden days, villagers would take this lemon and chilly and go into forest. If they have subjected to snake bite, they bite lemon and chilly immediately to check whether the snake is poisonous r not.( One loses the sense of taste if he is bit by a poisonous snake).

A simple way to make your hip lean

                         1 . Lemon
                         2. Horseradish (Mullangi in Tamil)
                         3. Honey

                 1. Cut lemon into half and remove the seeds.
                 2. Make a paste of this lemon skin along with horseradish.
                 3. Add honey with the paste and place in  refrigerator.

Eat this cream twice a day before you consume food.
 Repeat continuously for three weeks.
 Your hip size will reduce a centimeter a day.

Other Benefits:
                          1 . Keeps the brain fresh and active.
                          2. Maintain a cool body temperature.
                          3. Cures hearing problems and eye sight problems.

Note: Amount of cream and other requirements are upto you and your body conditions.