Thursday 17 September 2020

Science behind Purataasi Fasting

Why Hindus prefer Veg foods and avoid Nonveg items during the month of 'Purataasi'(Mid September to Mid October) of every year.

Especially, people from Tamilnadu follow the rituals in the specified month above, while people from Kerala follow during Aadi month.

And the science fact is similar. YES, the climatic conditions plays vital role behind these fastings.

Hi readers,

Let's see the health benefits of fasting in the specified month.

The monsoon gives an asusual introduction during the month of Purataasi in Tamil Nadu while in Kerala, it comes in 2 month advance(Aadi month).

And during the monsoon climate, there will be heavy rain and climatic changes which results in upcoming diseases like malaria, and several flu's.

To get rid of this, our ancestors have made this fasting and related with god so that everyone will follow strictly for their health benefits.

Eating Non-veg items results in digestion problems at this season and also increases body heat.

We may celebrate 'Kolu' festival in this month which they offer 'Sundal'(Chickpeas)as prasaadh and people consume holy basil(Tulsi) leaves water to get rid of various diseases as mentioned before.


1. It is a perfect nerve tonic which sharpen our memory.

2. It is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and prevent against malaria and dengue fever.

3. It is a blood purifier and cures cold and flu. 


1. It lowers blood pressure.

2.It helps in weight loss diet.

Hence, we follow fasting especially in the month of Purataasi for healthy living as said by our ancestors.

  Godliness is not myth; A pure Science.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Nutmeg and Mace

 Hi viewers,

Lets see the benefits of one of spices present in condiments box at our home.

It's Nutmeg and Mace (Jaathipathri in tamil).


1. Improves menstrual cycle for women.

2. Cures problems caused due to miscarriage for pregnant women.

3. Mixed with sandal, cured pimples and black spots and keeps our face fresh.

4. Improves blood circulation to our brain and keeps us focused and relieves stress.

5. Drinking the powdered mix along with ghee with milk increases sperm count for men.

6. The spice along with Omam and Dry ginger in hot water improves digestion and cures problems related to digestion.

7. Cures muscular pain(rheumatism).

Side effects:

Over intake leads to liver damage and affects Central nervous system and leads to constipation problems.


                    Thanks for reading !

Tuesday 25 August 2020

The Golden Milk

 Hello readers,

Let's see the medicinal facts of an interesting and more common drink that is very effective to our health.

Turmeric :

1. It contains bioactive compounds with powerful medicinal properties.

2. Turmeric increases antioxidant capacity of our body.

3. It aids in sleep quality and protect against sleep deprivation.

Side effects:

1. Daily consumption may leads to stomach inflammation which leads to abdominal pain and cramps.

2.It may result in iron deficiency.

3. There is a risk of developing kidney stones.

Since, turmeric increases the body heat, let's see the neutralization factor below.

Yeah, its pepper that cools our body and is an universal table condiment also a protective spice to all of our common problems(dry cough,throat pain,cold etc.,)


1. Pepper improves cholesterol levels and controls the blood sugar level.

2. The 'King of Spices' is rich in antioxidants that helps in reducing free radical damage to the cells.

Free radicals are formed naturally during digestive process and during workouts. However, excessive free radicals are formed when exposed to cigarettes and air pollution.And the damage of these free radicals may leads to major health problems like premature aging and cancer.

Hence, consumption of a glass of milk with Turmeric powder and pepper powder prevents us from cough,cold and is one of the best immunity booster.

Health benefits:

1. The golden milk is rich in antioxidant properties due to the presence of an active component named 'Curcumin.'

Antioxidants are compounds that fight cell damage, protecting the body from oxidative stress.

2. Similarly, 'Piperine' an component present in pepper combines with Curcumin and acts a natural pain reliever.

3. It fights off obesity.

Milk with Turmeric(gold) and pepper(king of spices) hence called as 'Golden Milk'.

Friday 21 August 2020

Lukewarm clove drink

 Hi viewers,

Make use of this drink to enjoy your health during this pandemic era.

Take 2 cloves and make as powder.

Mix with a cup of lukewarm water and drink at evening break or night before sleep.


1. The drink cures ulcer.

2. It relieves from constipation and cures gastric troubles.

Cloves are rich in anti-inflammatory,  anti-microbial and antioxidants.

Too much consumption leads to liver disorder and other effects.

Hot Jaggery Milk

 Hi readers,

Let's gain knowledge on hot Milk with Jaggery so that it might help us in life at lockdown.

The main health benefit of Jaggery is that it detoxifies our body and for the milk it is rich in calcium.

When we combine these two, we get Calcium content along with stomach benefits.


1. The hot Jaggery milk get rid of joint pain in our body. 

2. It aids in curing stomach pain.

3. The combo helps to cure menstruation problems which also helps in maintaining the period cycle.

4. Blood circulation is improved in our body which helps us to achieve our activities in our  day to day life.

5. Also, the metabolism in our body is maintained.

So, as a lockdown measure, have a habit of drinking a cup of hot Jaggery milk before sleep in alternate days to boost your immune system.

Recommended  time : 

Finish your dinner by 8PM and consume milk at 10PM and have a healthy sleep for 8hour from 10:30PM

If you are allergic to milk then enjoy drinking hot Jaggery water.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Oil bath

Hi all,

We would know that our ancestors have a habit of taking oil bath every week and advice from our parents and friends. Lets see about this.

What is Oil bath ?

Taking a warm head bath after applying oil throughout our body.

Procedure :

1. Apply oil throughout the body including head.(every parts of the body).

2. Have a gentle hand massage.

3. Leave it to dry for 15 to 30 minute.

4. Have a warm head bath.

Note :

Timings : 7 am to 9 am
Water : warm water
Oil : Gingelly oil.
Day : Saturday or Wednesday (Gents)
           Friday or Tuesday (Ladies)
Cycle: Every week

Use Seekaikai while bathing. Avoid usage of shampoo and soaps.

Foods: Avoid tender coconut,buttermilk,curd,Fruit juices, icecreams, cold items etc.,


1. Removes dirt, dust from inside surface of the skin.

2. Removes dandruff and hairfalls.

3. Keeps our head and eyes cool.

4. Cures body pain.

5. Cures Osteoporosis.

Finally, it removes heat from our body.

Note : Have a cool head bath the next day of taking oilbath.

Gingelly oil  : Presence of Vitamin E prevents hair fall.

Instead of wasting money to hospitals for knee pain,hairloss etc., have a weekly oil bath and stay healthy.

Save your health and money will save you.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Reduction of body mass

Hi Everyone,

Its been a very long time to see you all. Yeah I am back with my knowledge. Lets enjoy !!!

Person 1: What is your body weight ?
Person 2: Hey ! It's not weight. We have to call as 'Mass'.

Person 1: What ? Both are same. Right ?
Person 2: No. Let me explain you.

For Explanation:

Hope you have got cleared about it.

Lets come into our topic.

Best @ Early Morning !

Best time to do workouts is at early morning. Let it be Exercises, Running, Walking, Jogging, GYM etc. Do at early morning as it refreshes our body and keeps us energetic the whole day which leads to improvement in our activities. Also we breath the fresh and pure air that helps our lungs to function good. So Evening Goers ! Try to make it out at morning.

How to do workouts in Gym ?

Let me give you an example.

Week 1:

 Day 1 - Sunday : Have workouts for all our body parts.(Full body workout). i.e., One workout for each muscle group.
   Eg: Biceps, Triceps, Chest, Shoulder,Leg etc., 
 Day 2 - Monday: Add 20 minute Cardio along with our full body workout.
 (Note: Add cardio only on alternate days. Also increase it for 5 minute in interval of every week).

Day 3 - Tuesday : Repeat the Day 1 workout.(Full body workouts).

Day 4 - Wednesday : Repeat Day 2 workout.(Along with cardio).

Week 2:

Only change is add 5 minute to the cardio. i.e., Do 25 minute cardio.(Note: Only on alternate days).

Repeat this for every weeks.

Hope the tips to reduce your weight by GYM workouts without affecting our metabolism is clear.

What to Avoid ?

1. Junk foods
2. High weight lifting
3. Oil foods

Recommended !

1. Drink tender coconut.
2. Eat fruits instead of drinking juices.
3. Have fruits as brunch instead of having as snacks,breakfast,lunch or dinner.
4. Walk after 10 minute of eating our lunch. Don't start to walk as soon as having the lunch.

Sleeping time : 10 pm to 05:30 am.

On the ground !

Have a good warm-up for our body and start with Jogging (1 * 400m) on first day and gradually increase the number of rounds. Avoid fast running. It is recommended to have a round of normal walking after completing the jogging.

Meditate !

After completion of workouts/Jogging, have a normal bath and meditate for some minute for the mind refreshment.

Hope the tips mentioned above are useful and have a happy life.